Frequently asked questions about DHIVY
Carbidopa/levodopa is a treatment for Parkinson’s disease that is available in different forms. Even though carbidopa/levodopa is effective, it can be hard to find the right daily dose.
Why it’s a delicate balance

DHIVY is a tablet of carbidopa/levodopa that can be split into 4 segments. A whole tablet contains 25 mg/100 mg, but each segment contains 6.25 mg/25 mg. This means you can work with your doctor to personalize your daily dose to fit your needs.
More about dosing

Two doctors teamed up to develop DHIVY so that people with Parkinson’s disease could personalize their daily dose of carbidopa/levodopa. Avion Pharmaceuticals worked with those doctors to help bring their vision to life.
More about DHIVY

DHIVY is a tablet that can be split into 4 segments, allowing you to adjust your daily dose. RYTARY is a capsule that cannot be split.
More about dosing

The motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are partially caused by a lack of dopamine in the brain. DHIVY contains levodopa, which is thought to convert to dopamine in the brain.
More about CD/LD

There are various ways for you to save when prescribed DHIVY. Take a look and see which savings option is best for you.
Find where you can save

Swallow the tablet whole or snap it into segments. To break DHIVY into segments, you or your caregiver should firmly hold the tablet in both hands then gently push downward on each side of the tablet's groove to break off the amount you need.
DHIVY can be taken with or without food. Changing your diet to one with foods that are high in protein or taking iron salts or multivitamins with iron may delay your body's absorption of DHIVY. Also, too much stomach acid delays how fast your stomach empties, which could delay how your body absorbs DHIVY.
More about dosing

The dosing schedule for DHIVY can differ from person to person. However, it is important that DHIVY be taken at regular intervals according to the schedule outlined by your doctor. Talk with your doctor to find out how often you need to take DHIVY, and do not make changes to your dosing regimen without first discussing them with your doctor. Tell your doctor if you plan to stop taking DHIVY.
More about dosing

You can work with your doctor to find the right daily dose of DHIVY. It may take some trial and error to find the daily dosing schedule that works for you.
More about dosing

The most common side effects reported with DHIVY include dyskinesia and nausea.
More on side effects

question about DHIVY?
Your doctor will be able to answer any questions you have about DHIVY. You can also contact Avion Pharmaceuticals by calling 1-888-612-8466 or filling out the form below.

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Image does not represent the actual size of the tablet.